Pikefel (by Remco Sietsema) – slow no LH

This delightful tune I learned from Remco Sietsema during our recent get together in December 2017 (check out how we sounded here: https://soundcloud.com/mel-biggs-music/dream-big-by-m-biggs)

The name ‘Pikefel’ means ‘goosebumps’ in Friesland dialect.

Fast version: https://youtu.be/E0Ol97e6bjc
Slow version with LH: https://youtu.be/V3rJzvXxVbE

All of my videos are posted primarily for my students to use in their learning to play the melodeon. If you are interested in starting or improving your playing please get in touch! mel@melbiggsmusic.co.uk

Mel Biggs Music is now produly supported by Acorn Instruments. Check them out!


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