Emile Parisien & Vincent Peirani – Nouchka

Emile Parisien & Vincent Peirani – Nouchka
New album « Abrazo » to be released on August 28th
More info → https://www.vincent-peirani.com/

«Nouchka is the nickname of my wife when she was a little girl. I decided to compose a song thinking about her as a child and also about who she is now.
When she listened to it for the first time, she was not aware about my “inspiration”.
I asked her how she felt about the song, and she told me that it could have been composed for the daughter we could have (we have two boys).
So, for me, it was a kind of perfect match… I hope you will enjoy it! »

Music : Vincent Peirani
Video : Thees Janssen
Montage : Loïc Gayot
C&P : Yes les Guy’zz/ Poulp/ ACT

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